02.14.2013 (4406 days ago)

A Betrayal of Olympic Proportions

A Betrayal of Olympic Proportions
4406 days ago 8 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

Happy Valentine's Day. I had been thinking about blogging about Valentine's Day. I even did a little research on the history and tradition that brought us to this day of declaring our love. The punch line would have asked about your plans for Valentine's Day.


But the announcement that wrestling was being removed as an Olympic sport trumps that blog. Speaking of tradition! I wrestled varsity in college (given the division we were in, it really wasn't a big deal) and, since then, the sport has always had a warm spot in my heart (but, this is not about hearts…or, maybe it is).


I am not sure what made the Olympic Committee remove wrestling from the roster of Olympic sports, but consideration of tradition was certainly not anywhere on their list. Remember the pictures of wrestlers on the urns we studied in Art History? That's how old the sport of wrestling is. Along with the marathon (another passion from my past), wrestling goes back to the ancients. It is a sport of the original Olympic Games. And wrestling has always been a sport of the modern Olympics -- since 1896.


I don't care if wrestling doesn't sell a single ticket at the Games. I won't make judgment calls about the other sports which have made their way into the Olympics. They may be fine, but not at the expense of tradition. The Olympic Games are nothing if not tradition. Let's extinguish the Olympic flame while they're at it.

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