Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.27.2012 (4467 days ago)

8 minutes

8 minutes
4467 days ago 0 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Attending the GC summit in the City I had an experience which has caused me to ask you, What would you do?.

Instead of my standard routine...park in LIC and take the subway...I drove all the way in so my car was easily accessible. There was a lot of traffic so I pulled in to a lot nearby by KZR. The pricing was for 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours and 8 hours. I figured no prob. I'll be only 3 hours.

I go to the meeting (which was good) and then met some people at the KZR cocktails which immediately followed. I kept my eye on the clock and, at the appropriate time, (2 hours and 45 minutes later) I left the meeting and arrived at the lot at 5 minutes after 3.

I waited for the lady to finish what she was doing and handed her my ticket. She punched it in and charged my for the 8 hour rate. I challenged her. She couldn't speak english well but understood what I was saying. I asked her how long past 3 hours and she said 8 minutes.

I expressed my disappointment and asked nicely to get the 3 hour was only 8 minutes....which she responded no.

What would you do?

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