Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
07.15.2015 (3512 days ago)

61. Not About Baseball

61. Not About Baseball
3512 days ago 7 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Birthday, Swithin, Maris, Ronstadt

Today, Wed. July 15, is my 61st birthday.

A decade older than Roger Maris when he left this mortal coil.

I am thrilled to be alive and only half way through.

1954 -– First flight of the Boeing 367-80, prototype for both the Boeing 707 and C-135 series. A good day for new flyers.

I share my day with other artistic and creative folk: Rembrandt, Clement Clarke Moore, Linda Ronstadt, Marky Ramone, Forest Whitaker and Laura Benanti.

It is also St. Swithin's Day. St. Swithin (or more properly, Swithun) was a Saxon Bishop of Winchester. He was born in the kingdom of Wessex and educated in its capital, Winchester. He was famous for charitable gifts and building churches.

I'll aspire to charitable gifts and building kindness.

There's a tradition about St. Swithin's Day about the rain, seems appropriate:

St Swithun's day if thou dost rain

For forty days it will remain

St Swithun's day if thou be fair

For forty days 'twill rain nae mare

A Buckinghamshire variation has

If on St Swithun's day it really pours

You're better off to stay indoors.

I plan on having an adventure, just like every other day....

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