Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.22.2019 (1930 days ago)

50 Years

50 Years
1930 days ago 36 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I was a fledgling 27 year old when I started with my firm.  I had just left the National Labor Relations Board on a Friday and reported to work the following Monday.

My boss was Martin C. Seham a larger than life Harvard Law School graduate who plucked me from obscurity and set me on an amazing miraculous career path.

One of the first things he urged me to do was grow a mustache so I would look more seasoned.

He was a role model and inspiration who opened the door for me and I found my way with his help and that of many others to become a Super Lawyer.  Not the least of whom was Dana Charlton who joined me within the first hectic years, editing, smoothing the way and suggesting ways for me to shine.  I could not have made it through without her assistance!

Dana is one of an important group of women who have eased the way to today.  First and foremost is my high school sweet heart Joanne and wife of 53 years who knows the good and bad of me best.

Others are my partners Joan Rothermel (gym mate too), Jane Jacobs (my successor as Managing Partner and all around techie) and Nancy Schess (my co founder who also keeps me on the straight and narrow).

Of equal importance are Cathy Cargill, Pat Castrovinci and Rosa Abel our past and present Office Managers.

These women made me the man I am today and for that I am eternally grateful.

We celebrated my 50 years with the firm last Friday at my friend Ken Aretsky’s Patroon (pictured) and the “Fred Fete” exceeded my unreasonable expectations and made it all worthwhile.  Thanks again!

50 years! What’s next?

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