04.24.2013 (4337 days ago)

42 and Jackie Robinson

42 and Jackie Robinson
4337 days ago 5 comments Categories: Movies Tags:

Last night I took my son to see 42, the Jackie Robinson story.  I was a very good movie that, save some graphic language (that was necessary to the story yet difficult to sit through) had the feel of the type of feel good movie you might have watched in school.


The best part of the movie I believe was how they delved a little deeper into the concept of motivation.  It wasn't simply about them being courageous, but also about what motivated them to find the courage and wisdom to accomplish such great things.  Rather than just showing that Jackie was courageous, the movie explored how he was motivated by his love and respect for his wife, by his son, his absent father, Rickey, his teammates, fans, his enemies...and probably most importantly, his fierce self-respect. 


It might be difficult for many of us to relate to his challenge in this day and age.  However, we all have our own challenges in our lives, some more monumental than others.  If you believe what you hear from people every day, you would think that some people's challenges are every bit as monumental as Jackie's (few are of course).  What every person can take out of this movie though is how Jackie found his courage and his moral compass.  I believe if everyone in this day and age sought and found motivation the way Jackie did, they would find their direction much clearer and there problems smaller and fewer.


Then again...that was a much simpler time, wasn't it?


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