Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.07.2023 (520 days ago)

4 vs 5

4 vs 5
520 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It's Saturday and I'm wondering what it would be like if the work week was 4 vs. 5 day. The traditional 5-day work week has been a standard for decades, but lately, there has been a growing interest in the concept of a 4-day work week.


Switching to a 4-day work week promises increased productivity and improved emotional well-being. Yet, there is reduced availability, increased work intensity, and some definite social shifts. Would you take Monday off or Friday off? Or maybe Wednesday? 


A company called Uncharted (a Denver-based company) switched to a 4 day work week. The owner said “There are so many parts of the workweek that are just a waste of time. It has been a great forcing function for us to think differently, like taking a smaller suitcase on vacation,” he added. “We have to make trade-offs.”


There was an Icelandic study from 2021 that showed reduced four-day workweeks are not only more efficient, but also helped relieve stress and burnout for employees.


Something to consider....?

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