Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.12.2021 (1219 days ago)

4 Seasons?

4 Seasons?
1219 days ago 28 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

When I was young there was a lovely character on the Howdy Doody show named Princess Summerfallwinterspring. Such a creative moniker!

As I grew older, I always remembered the Princess as we reveled in our good fortune to enjoy New York’s full 4 season splendor:  Spring and it’s green regeneration, sparkling Summer sun at the beach and colorful Fall foliage, but Winter…that’s the rub :(

We feel the cold more vividly as we age and begin to feel the warm pull of Florida just about now.  

They may call us “Snow Birds”, but that’s okay--Key West beckons :)

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