Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
10.12.2016 (3057 days ago)

39 Years of Nurture

39 Years of Nurture
3057 days ago 9 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:Cornelia Street Cafe, Invest, Landmark

Sometimes I am able recognize the privilege of being connected to something longstanding and wonderful. Now we all have an opportunity to participate in saving a small monument.

I am fortunate to call Robin Hirsch a trusted friend. Born in London during the blitz, he ended up opening a cafe in Greenwich Village in 1977. (For more of his fascinating story : his book)

Cornelia Street Cafe has provided excellent food upstairs, but more importantly, the performance space downstairs, has been a place for artists to thrive for over 39 years. Thirty Nine Years.

Such diverse talents as Eve Ensler, Suzanne Vega, Oliver Sacks, Nobel Laureate Roald Hoffman and members of the Monty Python troupe have been able to flex their creative wings here. It is also an award winning Jazz venue.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick had their first date and marriage proposal here.



However, like many long established institutions, today things are not what they could be. The rent is 77 times what it was in the beginning, by that math, they should be charging $77 for an espresso...

I'd like to do all I can to save this "culinary as well as cultural landmark" (by Mayoral Proclamation).

So, GO.

Eat. Watch. Invest.

Tell your friends, enemies and families.

(Yes, you can be a partner in owning a piece of history, contact Robin Hirsch 212-989-9319 for investment info.)

Let's do all we can to keep the arts alive in New York.


Civilizations are not remembered by their business people, their bankers or lawyers. They're remembered by the arts. - Eli Broad

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