06.10.2017 (2826 days ago)

36 years

36 years
2826 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I was asked to guest blog for our webmaster Mitch today, so I decided to let the world know something about him and see how it relates to everyone.


For the past 36 years Mitch and the same friend have met for lunch every Friday. They never miss it unless one of them is out of town.


It got me to thinking about certain things we do on a regular basis that always take precedence. For example, I have been playing golf every Friday with basically the same people for longer than either one of my marriages. Although lately, the players have been changing due to people moving away or retiring, and new people have been filling the spots.


I have also been playing poker at the Friars club every Saturday afternoon with the same people for at least fifteen years unless I have an event to run.


What, if anything have you been doing on a regular basis for as long as you could remember.

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