Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.05.2017 (2872 days ago)

3 Inches

3 Inches
2872 days ago 13 comments Categories: Health Tags:

At my apogee, I was a tall 5'9 3/4" and could even leap to touch the basketball rim. 

Well, I just took my annual physical and, presently, I just managed to stand 5'7" small.   

Clearly, I'm shrinking and I have learned the shrinkage has something to do with my posture, gravitational pull on my spinal discs and the deterioration of the intervening padding.

In an effort to stem the shrink, I try to pull my shoulders back to stand erect and have taken to stretching out by hanging from my chinning bar.  Good luck with that!

I have also taken to asking other people of my vintage about their shrinkage and, most shocking was the revelation of  a Gothamite that he's lost 5".  


Is that what I have to look forward to?  I suppose if I live long enough, but that's a story for another day.

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Posted By : hydrajet