Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
01.02.2021 (1479 days ago)


1479 days ago 20 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The tradition continues... and your intrepid prognosticator went 3 out of 4 for 2019!


In total I'm 21 out of 40 since 2007. Not bad eh?...I'm over .500 and could get milllions for that in baseball :) this is a tough year to predict but I'll give it my best shot.


1. The Yankees will win the World Series

2. By years end we will be hugging people again

3. SpaceX will break two records...

One; the number of launches/year from a single company and

Two; the number of times the same rocket is used to launch something (right now it's 7)

4. The Buffalo Bills will win the Super Bowl!


Okay,  that's it for me but I'd like to include your picks as well for 2021 so leave them below. I'll add them to next years.

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