Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
01.05.2019 (2255 days ago)


2255 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I'm back! I took off the last couple of years and now I'm resureecting my predictions blog.


If you're's my record since 2007:


2007 - 1 for 7. (my rookie year:)
2008 - 1 for 1 (gutsy picking one but it was spot on)
2009 - 3 for 5 
2010 - 2 for 3
2011 - 3 for 3!!! 
2012 - 3 for 3!!!
2013 I took a break, the launch of the new website took all my attention
2014 - 2 for 3
2015 - 0 for 3, bad year but came close on the stock market
2016 - 2 for 4


Since 2007 I'm 17 for 32. If I was a baseball player I could be paid 50 million/year.


Now for 2019...I humbly submit my predictions:


1. We will have the hottest year on record

2. The Dow will be on a roller coaster ride the whole year

3. Gotham will see a huge increase in membership

4. The Yankees will win the World Series


What's yours?

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