Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.15.2023 (447 days ago)

20 Minute Friends

20 Minute Friends
447 days ago 23 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Every morning I swim at the local pool at 6:00 am and one must arrive early to get a good lane.  

Thus, we begin lining up, huddled in the cold, at about 5:40 and there is a regular crew of swimmers (special are the ladies who regularly swim in lanes 2, 3 and 6) and gym rats (pictured).  

I feel that the 20 minutes we spend together in the cold has forged a special bond, as, little by little, we have become "20 minute friends", as we get to know each other and share our previous day experiences and other matters such as favorite local restaurants.

We have created a Lifeguard and Doorman (one special guy lets us in from the cold a few precious minutes early) Holiday Fund and have even become Facebook friends.  

Do you have any similar special slice of life experience?

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Comments from Guests
For over 40 years I have been part of a group of aspiring gymnasts who practice together for an hour 3x a week. We started as strangers and although chatting while doing is quite dangerous, some of them have become my closest friends.

Posted By : RitaSue Siegel

This is your friend from lane two. There’s no one I’d rather get nicked by while passing on our aqua-travels. And few people with whom I’d rather spend freezing predawn!

Posted By : Monique

Commuting into and out of NYC from points north on Metro-North affords one the opportunity to either meditate in silence or join in “train poker” and, in days now passed, the revelry of the Bar Car. But before one boards the train, we stand. On the platform. In the bitter cold of dark mid-winter. Or in the sweltering heat of humid summer mornings. And there we would huddle, slowly, like penguins amassed in small groups and ever so similarly, move closer, jockeying for position to where the doors of the arriving car would open. It was in those close moments, where “10-minute” friendships were reacquainted and thoughts shared. Typically the current weather was the topic of the day and as we glanced down the track through our thick scarves on frigid mornings, we muttered, or swore, collectively to see headlights down the tracks of an approaching train. When the 6:54 would arrive our unions would soon part as we boarded and hunted for our “regular” seats to begin the day’s journey.

Posted By : Adam B