
2 graduations and some history

2 graduations and some history
1025 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Northeastern University, Carrie Webb, Marisa Bearak, 1776, American Repertory Theatre, Harvard, Buckman Tavern, Hancock-Clarke House, Munroe Tavern, Lexington, Hofstra

Referring back to last’s week’s commentary in this space, we ventured to Boston, MA to attend the graduation ceremony of the “scribe” this past Friday at Northeastern University.

program listing

Marisa's processional

The new PhD and her PhD spouse joined us for a celebratory dinner that eve; we also celebrated in advance the graduation this afternoon of the new PhD at Hofstra. Afterward this afternoon’s ceremony, we host a dinner back at Grand Junction, the scribe’s nickname for her first home, with Jonathan’s bride’s family coming in from PA.

Marisa degree'd

Yesterday, we celebrated our nation with afternoon visits to three historic sites (Buckman Tavern, Hancock-Clarke House, Munroe Tavern) in Lexington and in the evening a special and unique presentation of 1776 at the American Repertory Theatre at Harvard. In essence we bookended two historic family events with reflections of what our country stood for yesterday and today.


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