Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
10.15.2023 (515 days ago)


515 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Martin Van Buren High Scool, Ps191Q, MS172Q

1973 was a good year.  Some of my fave LPs were released that year (Eat A Peach, Harvest,  Times Fase Away, Yessongs, A Good Feelin’ To Know which I selected for this blog’s pic), among others).   A year I  saw great shows by Grateful Dead, Allman Brothers, Led Zeppelin, New Riders, Dave Mason, Roger McGuinn and Jethro Tull among others).  It was special.  A year a group of us “emerged” after three years (some four) at “Van.”  That was our shorthand for Martin Van Buren High School in Queens Village.  it was named for a U.S. President who actually came from New York, our first one at that!  50 years on many of continue, and a good number gathered last night at The Metropolitan in Glen Cove to celebrate the special milestone.

Until the waning moments I tried to focus a bit more on those I see less frequently.  One of our number, Kirby Lindell, hosts an annual summer gathering that a good number of my classmates attend (it explains why a good number of attendees asked about my wife who while a Van grad was not of that year ((nor any of the classes in the school while we were there).

I had reached out to Kirby unsure how I wanted to dress up.  Kirby was the chief organizer as he was of every preceding one every five years like clockwork.  He shared he was unsure about whether to suit up or go slacks and a jacket.  I also reached tonJeff Stein —Kirby might get the team together but Jeff planned and executed last night, perhaps 85% of the work per Kirby.

Some I go back with  to PS191Q where my Knights of Pythias Lodge, FDR #613 hosts its basketball program. Others to now MS172 (we left it as a JHS) where my North Bellerose civic meets. One goes back to summer day camp before we got to 172.

Some are retired. Some toil on. Some discussed the prospect of winding down from work.

Some we stay in touch to the varying degrees we used that platform on Facebook.

I learned interesting life stories from classmates I had not seen in person for some time. Some had returned locally but I did not know. Some remarried, others lost spouses or divorced. Others  recently relocated out of state.

I did not count how many attended or asked Kirby the number. Our class was so huge that a 15-20% turnout (survivor rate too) would yield a large gathering and it certainly seemed a packed house.

1973 remains a special bond. Memories forged.  One thing I realized was how much how I navigated life at high school really helps me to this day.  I maintained friendships during high school with different groups or circles.  Today. I talk of the concentric circles that connect my various professional, political, fraternal, community, social and family relationships. I realized I developed that during high school.  Never before thought about it. I did last night.

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