Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
01.27.2023 (778 days ago)


778 days ago 26 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last week my Friday With Fred blog was about the Anubis Horribus year of 1968, eg, 2 assassinations and my friend David Berger suggested I lighten it up by blogging about the wonderful subsequent year.  

1969 has been called The Year That Shook the World.  

Pictured are many of the wonderful highlights of a wonderful bounce-back year!

For me, a Sports Fan (Fanatic) 1969 was uniquely wonderful. 

And here we go: At least as to New York sports teams, The Amazin’ Mets win the World Series, Broadway Joe Namath successfully predicted the Jets Super Bowl win and Willis Reed limped dramatically onto the Madison Square Garden court to inspire the Knicks 7th game title win!!!

Quite a trifecta!!!

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A great year 1969, attended many Mets Games and watched the Knicks on TV.

Posted By : Mitch Tublin