Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
12.27.2017 (2615 days ago)


2615 days ago 5 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Santa Claus, Letters, Zip codes

One thing I love is being an Audible ( member, where I get books on audio. Sometimes, as a member, they give us some free audio. This holiday season they sent a collection, that included an "audio documentary" that was so uplifting, adding to my "there is so much good in this world that we know nothing about" theme that I am living.

Anyway, up in Schenectady, there is an old GE plant that still operates with a very much reduced staff from its heyday in the 60s. During that time, they asked for and got a single zip code just for the plant because they had so much correspondence going in and out. That zip was 12345. Twenty two years ago, a child sent a letter to Santa Claus using the easiest zip available, 12345. The GE plant received the letter, the guy in the mailroom was going to throw it away...

Santa letters

Twenty-Two years later, most of the employees of that GE plant spend their lunch hours from early November answering letters to Santa. The letters number in the thousands. The contents are both heartbreaking and entertaining.

Interestingly, they have one employee who participates that speaks Chinese, which is great because they get a lot of letters in that language. Unlike the American letters which expect Santa to be a gift delivery man and bring them "stuff," the letters in Chinese just say how nice they are (don't want to be on the naughty list) or even ask for world peace...


Keep writing.


"The sheer joy of doing what you believe is right is inexpressible." - outgoing President Bill Clinton to incoming President George W. Bush in a letter 1/20/01

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