Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.18.2019 (1964 days ago)

12 Years Lost

12 Years Lost
1964 days ago 21 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

There was the most amazing story in the news last week which did my heart so dog loving good!

It seems that a fox terrier puppy, Dutchess, disappeared 12 years ago from her Florida home and was recently discovered over 1000 miles away, just barely alive, in Pittsburgh.  She was hungry, shivering and in need of a nail trim and when Dutchess was brought to a rescue center they found a micro chip which connected her to her original owner, Katheryn Strang, who, when notified, drove the 1,130 miles in 18 hours to reunite with her long lost pet.  See photo.

Strang murmured “Where have you been?” to Dutchess at a press conference and said “They are like your babies. You don’t give up hope. I’m just so happy to have her back. I cried so many nights without her. “

Can you imagine what that little puppy had been through and endured in those 12 hard years and thousand miles journey?  It must have been so difficult and scary!

Truly, her survival is one of the ultimate triumphs of will!

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