Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.20.2019 (2145 days ago)

10 years

10 years
2145 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Do you remember Natalie "Nadia" Suleman? I didn't until I ran across a follow up news story.


She is the Octomom, giving birth to 8 babies from one pregnancy. Well, they just celebrated their 10th birthday and all are seemingly healthy and well adjusted.

Octomom's 8

She no dout has her hands full as her 14 children (she already had 6 older children) get bigger and older. In a recent interview she said “Yes, we are struggling, yes, we are in financial hardship.” However, she said her children are her greatest joy. Suleman, who is a vegan and raising her kids vegan, said her way of “recharging” is “by trying to lead the healthiest lifestyle as I could.”


No matter what you think of her, it's an incredible story.

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