Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.20.2023 (503 days ago)

10/10 Egg Cream Club

10/10 Egg Cream Club
503 days ago 28 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Two good Yankee fans who are also friends are Paul Napolitano and Jason Greenberg.  In fact, we share a text chain where we gossip about sports and other important issues of the day.


Last summer we fell to discussing Joey Gallo, a unique former, non favorite, Yankee ball player.  Joey is unique in an obscure negative way as, mostly, he either strikes out, walks or Homers. Because of the Homers and free passes Managers play him until he inevitably strikes himself out of the lineup.  

While discussing Joey, who was on a Homer binge, Jason bet he wouldn't hit 25 by the end of the season.  

Well, he reached 21 when he wore out his welcome on the Twins and Jason won the bet.  When it came time to pay up, I suggested we go to Hildebrandt's, an ,iconic, old school ice cream parlor in East Williston. 

We met there on October 10th, sat at the counter and had our egg creams (chocolate syrup, milk and seltzer) and, truth be told, the first round was sub par, but under our direction the engaging soda jerk made our second egg creams to our satisfaction.  

We lunched, gossiped and declared the first annual 10/10 meeting of the Egg Cream Club a success!

I can only hope that at next year's meeting we will be excited by the Yankee Playoff prospects :)

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Comments from Guests
There is nothing like a good egg cream. Glad the soda jerk came through. Hopefully the Yankee’s will come through next season

Posted By : Susan Schoenberg

I thought they only made egg creams (chocolate always) in Brooklyn.

Posted By : Joanne Celi