Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.13.2013 (4348 days ago)

1 stroke

1 stroke
4348 days ago 6 comments Categories: Sports Tags:

At best it's a tournament that is extremely difficult to win. Each shot needs to be carefully played and when it's windy it's at it's worst.

Guan Tianlang, a 14 year old from China (the youngest player in the Masters for over 100 years), is in the tournament and was assessed a one stroke penalty for slow play. It's very rare that a penalty gets assessed, even in a major. You have 40 seconds to take your shot when it's your turn to play.


You can do a lot in 40 seconds...have a sip of water, eat some cookies and have a nice, if quick coversation with your caddie. But if your playing golf in a major...I would think you need to focus on the shot. He had been warned several times during his round and finally the officials had to impose the rule.


I can think of a bunch of players who need that rule. Especially when they are in front of me :)


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