Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
08.13.2023 (579 days ago)

"bachelor" time

"bachelor" time
579 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Queens Chamber, Gotham Princeton, Citi Field,

I've been telling friends and colleagues I am free to accept certain appointment without checking first this weekend (and a few days before and after because I am (temporarily) a bachelor.

A friend liked my response to a a group text invite to a bagel breakfast that likely took place before most (other than Friday's blogger) read this commentary today ("I'm a bachelor this weekend so easy to accept.")

My wife made and froze several meals for me that cover when I am not part of a group of Gotham Wilbury's visiting our network's Princeton Group or attending the Queens Chamber's Night at Citi Field (which is coupled with a Group Leader's night so a bit of logistics involved there).  Pic at left offers some insight where she may be.

It was nice Football is back because the Baseball games before and after that nice performance by the men in green were not by any means satisfying.

The key remains not letting my place look like a "pad" after I return from the airport with Shelly happy to return.

Any bets on my ability to succeed on that front?

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