12.22.2014 (3718 days ago)

“You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing.”

“You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing.”
3718 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

After reading my recent blog concerning what book you would want to read again for the first time, a friend emailed me with an intriguing follow-up question, “What was your favorite childhood book?” I immediately wrote back my answer, “Charlotte’s Web.”

I can recall many late nights, way past my bedtime, reading “Charlotte’s Web” under my blanket using my camp flashlight. Charlotte’s quest to save her friend Wilbur’s life is a powerful story of friendship and loyalty. The tale is beautifully written and the characters are so strongly developed such that I truly careed about each of them; whether they were human, animal, or insect.


I believe this book helped to make me the avid reader I have become.


What was your favorite childhood book?



Happy holidays Gotham!!!

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