Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.26.2014 (3820 days ago)

"You Look Good"

"You Look Good"
3820 days ago 16 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Someone once said there are 3 stages in life: youth, middle age and "you look good".

Funny, but so true. My next birthday will be my 73rd and I'm pleased to say I'm comfortably in the third stage and plan to continue until I'm 100.

I work very very hard in my daily battle with Father Time. Not many people would be willing to pay that price.

Hard work is only part of it. Eating and drinking are important ingredients. As are supplements. If you are interested I will turn you on to my most recent ones.

So it goes!

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