Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.24.2023 (468 days ago)

"That's A blog!"

"That's A blog!"
468 days ago 20 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

I've been writing this Friday With Fred blog for nigh on 20 years and, truth be told, the well is far from dry :)

Some of my fellow Gotham bloggers wait to write until the night before or morning of their weekly blogging day. Not me. 

I strike when inspiration hits me and in this case I'm doing it only a day after my well commented upon "Social Media Intercourse" blog appeared in this space. 

Ideas come to me in the shower, in predawn hours before getting out of bed and in conversation (especially with Thursday blogger Ben Geizhals who sets up my blog) when the idea sparks the exclamation "That's a blog!"

Thank you loyal readers and participants for your ample comments.  Responding to them is a big part of the social media intercourse experience. 

As I write this, the idea struck me that I would love a leather bound volume or volumes of all my blogs!

Maybe the Comment Counting Commissioner can make it happen :)


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