Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.11.2018 (2491 days ago)

"That's A Blog"

"That's A Blog"
2491 days ago 28 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

According to the Gotham website, I have composed, to date, 284 Friday With Fred
blogs for Gotham.

In my dreams, they would make an interesting coffee table book, but for now I strive to continue fulfilling the creative task.

At present, Gotham has seven daily Bloggers: starting with Corey on Sunday (a "tough beat" according to the previous Sunday blogger Hard Hitting Don Bernstein), Rona on Monday, Nancy on Tuesday, Cayce on Wednesday, Ben on Thursday, me on Friday and Mitch on Saturday.

Ben and I have often conversed about the fact that when something happens to us a lightbulb goes off in our heads and we say to ourselves "that's a blog".

I usually start writing my blog on my iPhone immediately after my most recent blog on Saturday or Sunday. However, this week I toyed with blogging about the Battle of the Bands or the return with my grandson Shawn Atom to the comic book store. However, my collaborator and greatest critic Joanne nixed them as being the same old same old.

Interestingly, the inspiration for the subject of the blog oft times occurs while showering. On Wednesday morning while showering I pondered as to what would be the subject of this blog. And, presto, the concept of attempting to continue to come up with original material inspired me to blog about the job and process itself.

This may or may not be the best blog I've ever written, but it satisfies a need...

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