Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.31.2014 (3785 days ago)

(No) Fear

(No) Fear
3785 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

When we are on vacation we go to a bike friendly place that is flat and has bike lanes. We have been going there for 17 years and have never had a car.

Biking is our main transportation, morning, noon and night. We have mid century "cruisers" without gears and pedal reversal brakes.

To be honest, biking is always a vacation high light. It is both invigorating and sensuous  (especially biking into a warm night breeze).

Truth be told, I do not wear a helmet and have a compulsive rule that once a ride starts I will stay in motion until my destination is reached, ie, I can not put my foot down at red lights, in traffic or at stop signs.

I find that I can negotiate my way through by accelerating, swerving, circling or slowing to a near stop. A crucial ingredient is the lack of hesitation or fear.

It's just my way.

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