Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.13.2018 (2432 days ago)

(Hack) Hoax

(Hack) Hoax
2432 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last Saturday we were the subject of a (hack) hoax. It started with Netflix denying access and reporting that too many others were using it.

Joanne went to our computer to reach Netflix, but found an **Apple Warning Alert** Malicious Pornographic Spyware/Riskware Detected (pictured) on the computer screen.  As per the alert, she called for support and once "Support" was reached she called me in for support as I am the main user and more familiar with the computer.

One of the first things I did was take a screenshot of the Alert and email it to Steve Levy who is our computer expert and technical Handy Man.

For ease of access we put the support person on the speaker phone. The Voice had some sort of a slight accent. Eastern European maybe, but I thought little of it as he walked me through the many computer steps necessary to "protect" our computer. He was so assuring and solicitous to this Luddite as we labored step-by-step through his process. Yes, it was necessary to give him access to the computer as he continued to track down the problem.

At some point his sugary manner and assurances set off an instinctive warning bell and I asked him to hold on and I went to another room and called Steve Levy. He said he had received my screen shot and sent me an email saying it was a hoax.  I had not had a chance to see the email as I had been totally consumed on the telephone. Steve said  I should immediately hang up on the Voice and turn off the computer as it was a hoax. I immediately did so and Steve said that if I left the computer off for about an hour all would be well.

As predicted, I turned  the computer back on about an hour later and the screen was clear and everything was functioning perfectly. Also, Net Flix came back online without any problem.

This blog is about two not so young nor tech savvy lambs who were being led down a path, which no doubt was not leading to a good ending. However, because of my relationship with former Gotham member Steve Levy, the day was saved. Steve is an easy going, knowledgeable, expert who can be retained at modest cost. Thank you so much Steve!

Steve Levy can be reached at 718-279-2222 or

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