05.04.2022 (1027 days ago)


1027 days ago 5 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

If you are ready to hear Bob Dylan’s songs delivered masterfully, beautifully, and harmoniously, run to see it.  Bob Dylan, considered by many, to be the best American songwriter of the last 60 years has a significant catalogue of songs that covers just about every feeling and issue  people experience.


Depression era Minnesota is the setting for the production of “Girl From the North Country”. A wide range of characters meet at the town’s boarding house.  Dylan’s songs are woven into their stories of infidelity, poverty, mystery, love, and despair. Twenty-two songs never sounded better. Like a Rolling Stone, I Want You, All Along the Watchtower, and Forever Young are among the highlights delivered by a cast of fantastic singers and musicians.


I saw the show at the Public Theater(Off Broadway) in the fall of 2018 with 4 members of my book club including Fred Klein and all of us were very enthusiastic about the show.  We agreed that it should head to Broadway.  After two Covid shortened runs on Broadway in 2020 and 2021, the show is back for only 7 weeks.  Get your reasonably priced tickets and enjoy the show in the charming and small Belasco Theater right off 6th Avenue on 44th Street.  You might run into me since I am planning to see it for my third time.

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