[Fredslist] Yesterday's Gotham NY Health Cocktail Event

Mike Wiebe mike at wiebeassoc.com
Thu Jul 20 11:53:43 EDT 2023

It was a wonderful engaging evening with engaging people and an exhilarating spot!

Silvie has built a unique facility.  Even especially unique and distinctive for Manhattan!  All of gotham should keep an eye posted for the next opportunity to spend some time there and talk with Silvie and her colleagues… truely amazing! Words don’t describe so you have to be there.

> On Jul 20, 2023, at 11:07 AM, rosalia at gothamnetworking.com wrote:
> Thank you to those that joined Gotham’s NY Health & Longevity’s:
> Annual Rooftop Sunset Cocktails Event!
> Hosted By: Sylvie Beljanski <https://www.gothamnetworking.com/SBeljanski> at the beautiful Maison Beljanski <https://www.maisonbeljanski.com/>
> Please see some our guests casually enjoying the evening below:
> <IMG_1395.jpeg>
> <IMG_0068.jpeg><IMG_0069.jpeg>
> Regards, 
> Rosalia Ruberto
> Administrative Coordinator
> Gotham Networking
> rosalia at gothamnetworking.com <mailto:rosalia at gothamnetworking.com>
> Gotham Networking LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7062411084221009920/>
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