[Fredslist] New Gotham Site!

Craig Shink craigs at fabricantinsurance.com
Mon Sep 6 17:47:44 EDT 2021

Like the website very much. Easier to navigate

Thank you & Stay Safe


Sent from my IPhone

On Sep 6, 2021, at 12:04 PM, Mitch Tobol <webmaster at gothamnetworking.com> wrote:

 Happy Labor Day!

Our new website has launched today YAY!! 😊👍🏻🥂

Go check it out and let me know what you think…BTW your user name and password are still the same.

Onward and upward!!!

Have a great day :)

Mitch Tobol
webmaster at gothamnetworking.com<mailto:webmaster at gothamnetworking.com>

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