[Fredslist] Nancy is on the case!

Shelley Simpson, Esq simpson.shelley at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 07:05:47 EDT 2021

Yes, there are plenty of questions around COVID protocols, masks and vaccine mandates. There is uncertainty around what businesses are doing, should be doing, are not doing and how that affects employees, clients and customers. 

Shout out to Nancy Schess (Klein, Zelman, Rothermel, Jacobs, and Schess)for bringing her expertise and experience to our "Tuesday with Gotham” Zoom. This reinstitute Gotham event brings together members and guests to talk about how businesses are responding to the ever changing landscape of the pandemic. 

As is generally the case when our community comes together, there was levity mixed with intelligent and meaningful conversation. It was instructive to hear from everyone as we shared stories, concerns and observations. 

Nancy provided legislative and regulatory updates along with insight into the problems facing businesses. She also shared what questions have yet to be answered. 

It would be nice to have definitive answers around mask and vaccine mandates or, even better, to be in a Post-Covid world. That is not where we are. 

Because of her unique vantage point as an employment attorney with a focus on compliance, Nancy was clear that there is plenty we "just don’t know." That is important to hear and something I find comforting. After all, aren’t we all flying blind through this storm? 

As successful, informed professionals and problem solvers, we so often feel like we SHOULD know - we SHOULD have answers - we SHOULD NOT be confused. Yes, we SHOULD on ourselves all the time. 

It’s comforting to know that Nancy is paying attention. She is staying on top of the rules, regulations and legislation relative to this pandemic and remains available with updates as we continue to come together for  "Tuesdays with Gotham.” Join us and participate in this important conversation. 


Be Well! 

Shelley Simpson, JD
Business Development & Success Partner 

Inspiring healthy living, conscious giving and sustainable growing globally!
	P.S. There is a simple and convenient way to support a healthy immune system …

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