[Fredslist] [External Sender] Gotham Westchester Welcomes Returning Member Carol Schiro Greenwald

Ray Walcott rayon.walcott at capitalone.com
Tue Aug 24 13:16:57 EDT 2021

Welcome back Carol!

It’s wonderful to have you in the group to learn from your experiences and

On Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 12:12 PM Michael D. Steger <msteger at steger-law.com>

> Gotham Westchester is excited to welcome back our former member Carol
> Schiro Greenwald.  (*https://youtu.be/OK4_fDHv-SQ
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://youtu.be/OK4_fDHv-SQ__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!ejo9KUhsoI9remteRv-dE2g2QdE5N83HswPszsW4jmkgMW3d_s8rLO5bGpvh8JzUq-qh0A$>*).
> Carol is the principal of CSG Marketing Partners (
> https://www.csgmarketingpartners.com/
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.csgmarketingpartners.com/__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!ejo9KUhsoI9remteRv-dE2g2QdE5N83HswPszsW4jmkgMW3d_s8rLO5bGpvh8Jw_6iP9rg$>)
> , which provides coaching and training, personal networking and business
> development strategy services to professionals, primarily attorneys and
> accountants.  Carol is a longtime Gotham member and is also a member of
> Long Island Women.   Her interests include theater, ballet, travel,
> cooking, gardening and ballroom dancing.
> Carol has written books published by the American Bar Association.  To get
> an idea of the kind of services and advice Carol provides, you can listen
> to the interview I did with her earlier this year for the ABA on Networking
> That Works:
> https://soundcloud.com/user-15352895/networking-that-works/s-7yxWlBbksJN
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://soundcloud.com/user-15352895/networking-that-works/s-7yxWlBbksJN__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!ejo9KUhsoI9remteRv-dE2g2QdE5N83HswPszsW4jmkgMW3d_s8rLO5bGpvh8Jy7RCKEAw$>
> If you don’t know Carol, please reach out and get to know her.  You can
> also join Gotham Westchester for our next meeting on September 22nd at
> 8am.
> Mike Steger
> Law Offices of Michael D. Steger, PC
> 295 Madison Avenue
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/295+Madison+Avenue?entry=gmail&source=g>,
> 22nd Floor
> New York, NY  10017
> (646) 517-0600
> 30 Ramland Road, Suite 201
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/30+Ramland+Road,+Suite+201+Orangeburg,+NY+10962?entry=gmail&source=g>
> Orangeburg, NY 10962
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/30+Ramland+Road,+Suite+201+Orangeburg,+NY+10962?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (845) 359-4600
> (845) 638-2707 (fax)
> msteger at steger-law.com
> www.steger-law.com
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.steger-law.com/__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!ejo9KUhsoI9remteRv-dE2g2QdE5N83HswPszsW4jmkgMW3d_s8rLO5bGpvh8JxcWH-NLQ$>
Best Regards,

Ray Walcott
Sr. Business Banker • Business Banking
299 Park Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10171
718-354-7585 | Mobile
888-722-8185 | E-Fax


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