[Fredslist] Nassau County Dept of Parks sham

Ester Horowitz witsowitz at outlook.com
Tue Apr 6 17:59:13 EDT 2021

Dear Tribe
To say I'm upset, is an understatement.

NC dept of parks arranged that all vendors who use the parks for any reason have to pay 12% to the park. It means that along with the $400 permit I paid to host my husband's 80th birthday June 5, any food or entertainment I use will cost me 12% over above the real fee back to the park.

How do I make this really public, do we have Newsday and local media contacts? It's economic rape.

I was not advised of this when securing the permit yesterday, which is non refundable. I was told by the food vendor that the entertainment I secured two months ago before there was a food vendor arranged must go through them in order to pay 12% back to the parks dept.

The park only told me at the time, when I inquired about the rules to bring in entertainment, that my only obligation regarding food would be to go through a yet unknown caterer for the food. No one ever mentioned that both would require 12% fee back to the park that comes out of my pocket over and above the permit.

It feels like economic rape. Plain and simple.

Not ok.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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