[Fredslist] Gotham Members Working Together

Rona Gura ronagura at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 6 14:34:26 EDT 2021

I just have to relay the magic that happens when Gotham members work together. 

Faith Rousso and I are working together on two related, but separate, matters. In my matter, the opposing attorney made a contested statement while in a virtual  court appearance.  During a brief court break, I was able to quickly enlist Faith's help in addressing the issue. Even though  she was in the middle of a telephone call,  Faith dropped everything she was  doing to appear at my conference. Faith willingness to spontaneously  appear at my conference  quickly turned things around.  Our mutual client was extremely pleased with the outcome and Faith and my unique ability to work together in our client's interests.
The next time you are looking for someone to collaborate with choose a member of Gotham.  Gotham working with Gotham. It definitely creates magic.

Rona Gura
Law Offices of Rona Gura, PC377 Oak Street
Suite 104Garden City, New York, 11530
P (516) 539-7900
F (516) 539-1095
Ronagura at yahoo.com
Rona at NYfamilylegal.com

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