[Fredslist] Free seminar on digital marketing in today's marketplace

Shelley Simpson, Esq simpson.shelley at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 10:40:13 EDT 2020

I had to call in to the workshop, so I didn’t get to see Mitch Tobol’s face or the deck, but I got plenty of information. So many nuggets - Mitch is incredibly generous in sharing tools for better results as we navigate the world of online marketing. He even shared some tips on how to work the whole online piece into our busy schedules - knowing the best time to post is so helpful. 

Of course there were plenty of stories. Mitch’s approach is easy to follow he more than an expert in his field, he is a brilliant teacher. Check out his website - there’s a ton of stuff there http://www.cgtmarketingllc.com <http://www.cgtmarketingllc.com/>

Be Well! 

Shelley Simpson, Esq
Business & Personal Development Partner

Find out how to reduce systemic inflammation and positively impact your overall health …

> On Oct 21, 2020, at 9:40 AM, Tom Gallin <tomg at gallin.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just attended Mitch’s class.  Even though I just provide a service and not products, his presentation has many great nuggets of information.  I highly recommend listing to him (or even hire him) to enhance your marketing strategy.
> Thanks Mitch for the invite to the class.
> Regards,
> Tom Gallin
> Gallin
> Over 130 Years of Construction Excellence
> 102 Madison Avenue - 9th Floor
> New York, NY 10016
> (Office) 212-252-8900
> www.gallin.com <http://www.gallin.com/>
> From: Fredslist <fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com <mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com>> On Behalf Of Mitch Tobol
> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 10:35 AM
> To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com <mailto:fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
> Subject: [Fredslist] Free seminar on digital marketing in today's marketplace
> HI:
> I’m giving a marketing seminar in about a week on strategies and tactics to use in this crazy time to garners leads and opportunities.
> Here’s the link to register:
> https://events.hofstra.edu/index.php?eID=38593 <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fevents.hofstra.edu%2findex.php%3feID%3d38593&c=E,1,fBnoVHmsC4Zhwc3QWoI50KKaoSIC0-pXH6D_1q3fcdtSDG_qqizrok56WIHPHUEi6p-o-0jDK-lvEWieVF5X1RGUMjbQdFJEgofQdldNDIEkXKES5puzX6tSDsFa&typo=1>
> <image001.jpg>
> Any questions, give me a shout. Hope to see you there!
> Mitch Tobol
> CGT Marketing LLC
> 631.842.4600
> @mitchtobol
> mtobol at cgtmarketing.com <mailto:mtobol at cgtmarketing.com>
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> Fredslist mailing list

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