[Fredslist] Important Information You Should Know.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Mon Oct 12 09:34:20 EDT 2020

 Dear  Tribe & Friends: In case you missed last Friday's personal invitation from NY Health Member, best selling author & CEO, Sylvie Beljanski to this month's virtual Healthy Tuesday on Breast Cancer Prevention, please scroll below for links to registration. Every woman deserves this life-saving information. You can also meet Sylvie virtually at our Oct. 28th Health & Longevity Zoom lunch. Kelly Welles, LUTCF, NY Health Co-chair & Group Co-ordinator.

Sylvie Beljanski <sylvie at maisonbeljanski.com>
To:promo at gothamnetworking.com

Fri, Oct 9 at 8:43 AM
Dear Tribe,

As you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, but did you know that the most significant risk factors for breast cancer are being female and aging? About 95% of all breast cancers in the US occur in women 40 and older, which happens to be the majority of us in the Gotham Tribe.

If this is something you'd like to learn more about, our next Virtual Healthy Tuesday will help you. On October 13th, we promise to share with you information you won't find anywhere else on how to naturally beat, treat and prevent Breast Cancer. Patricia Luccardi will explain the perverse relationship between Breast Cancer and Environmental Estrogens and Dr. John Hall will show the effectiveness of Pao pereira and OnkoTea on Breast Cancer.

Click here to learn more.

Virtual Healthy Tuesdays: Supporting Breast Cancer Research
Learn natural ways to prevent, beat and treat breast cancer. Event proceeds will be donated to cancer research s...

Virtual Healthy Tuesdays: Supporting Breast Cancer Research
Learn natural ways to prevent, beat and treat breast cancer. Event proceeds will be donated to cancer research s...

100% of the proceeds from Healthy Tuesdays will go to The Beljanski Foundation to support cancer research. Ticket includes entry to all raffle giveaways at the end of the event.

To good health,

Sylvie Beljanski


>> Kelly Welles, President         
>> wellesfinancialservices.com
>> Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Accountants 
>> Specializing in Insurance and Benefits
>> Cell   917-626-8590 Fax 646-518-1889
>> www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-welles
>> ________________________
>> Business & Personal Financial Strategies

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