[Fredslist] Power/Business Breakfast with Mitch and more ...

Shelley Simpson, Esq simpson.shelley at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 13:35:08 EDT 2020

ATTENTION: October 7th @8:30am needs to be inked on your calendar! You do not want to miss the next joint meeting of Gotham Power Breakfast and Gotham Business Breakfast. 

Our guest speaker will be MITCH TOBOL … our energizing, innovative, creative and forward-thinking marketing guru. In addition to being our Gotham Webmaster, Mitch is an adjunct professor at Hofstra, a media strategist and social media trainer. If you have not heard Mitch present before, now is the time. And if you have heard him as I have, you certainly know that you want to come back for more. 

There will be ample time to tell us all about yourself and how we can help you out. So come and see old friends, make new connections, learn a few things and have some fun at the same time. And feel free to invite guests … they will be grateful for the opportunity. 

Be Well! 

Shelley Simpson, Esq
Business & Personal Development Partner

More than a Business ~ It’s a Mission!

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