[Fredslist] Sept. 11, 2021

Corey Bearak bearak at me.com
Tue Jul 14 10:15:10 EDT 2020

The bad news (which everyone knows):  The scheduled Gotham outing to Citifield when the Mets were to host (Fred’s) Yankees on Wednesday, July 29 is canceled.

The excellent news:  The new MLB schedule released just last week has the Mets hosting the Yankees Sept 10-12, 2021.  Gotham, using the relationship forged over several years of group outings to Citifield, arranged for our tickets to be used on
Saturday, September 11, 2021, which is the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 (but we all know that).  At our 9/11/2014 outing to Citifield, Gotham arranged for the late Jefferson Crowther to throw out a first ball in memory and honor of his son, Welles Remy Crowther, the Man with the Red Bandana, one of the heroes of 9/11; so the game next year makes the sixth anniversary of that event.
Tickets remain $100.
(At this time we do not know whether it’ll be an afternoon, 4pm or eve game; that depends on the networks (my guess is 4pm)
If you already paid, your payment is already applied (as previously discussed directly via one to one emails); if you already reserved, we can easily continue that reservation but we would like to start receiving funds in October of this year.  Since the Gotham block tickets were virtually sold out, Gotham secured from the Mets an ability to increase its order if the demand exceeds our original order but we would need your reservations early.
Please email me with your reservation.
Payments are to "Gotham City Networking" and mail to me at address below.
Remember $10 of every ticket supports the Gotham Foundation.

Thank you for your interest.

Stay safe!


Corey B. Bearak, Esq.
Government & Public Affairs Counsel
Networker of the Year-2012| co-chair, GOtham GREEN® | Gotham Towers | LI Legal | Gotham Power Breakfast Chair | Gotham Sponsorships Chair |  Gotham Sundays Blogger | Moderator, Fredslist & Gotham Promos
P.O. Box 135, Glen Oaks, NY 11004
(718) 343-6779 ♦ facsimile (888) 379-3492
Corey at CoreyBearak.com <mailto:Corey at CoreyBearak.com> ♦ StrategicPublicPolicy.com <http://strategicpublicpolicy.com/> ♦ Bearak on Twitter <http://twitter.com/Bearak>
Author, The Public Ought To Know <https://intelligentarts.net/the-public-ought-to-know/>, available on Kindle <https://amzn.to/36ByeQJ> and Nook <http://bit.ly/2O7HRjB> and Apple <https://apple.co/2tPxday> devices
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[sent from my MacBook Pro]

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