[Fredslist] NY Health Zoom Invite: Are You a Sitting Duck for Covid-19.? Wed. July 15, 12:30 to 2:00 PM. RSVP.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Wed Jul 8 10:59:06 EDT 2020

Zoom with NY Health Wed. July 15 & Boost Immunity from Viruses with NY Health Member, Author, CEO & Immunity Expert Sylvie Beljanski spotlighting from her beautiful Rooftop garden where we will rendezvous virtually next week.

Greetings From NY Health & Longevity to Tribal Members and Friends,
We are getting out of confinement while the prospect of a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine still belongs to an elusive future. What about turning to a scientific evidence-based natural approach to boost immunity that effectively fights viruses without side-effects? Interested? Sylvie Beljanski, owner of Maison Beljanski and author of the bestseller Winning The War On Cancer, The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure, will team up with Holistic Health Coach Josephine Scandale, to discuss this vital topic and answer all of your questions.  

Wed. July 15, 12:30 - 2 PM. There is NO COST for this meeting. Bring your own lunch! Friends welcome. 

RSVP to me by noon, Mon. July 13th. Attendance is limited to 25. One Zoom app will be sent that day
To all who RSVP. 

Remaining Meeting Dates:  Sept. 26, Oct. 28, Dec. 9.

Members include attorneys, MDs, authors, a psychotherapist & certified music therapist, health entrepreneurs, radio talk show hosts, producers and diverse health advisers including specialists in age-prevention, stress reduction, brain & health optimization, pet healing, ancient healing and financial well-being.

Guests AND Circuit Riders are welcome. Reminder: our non-compete rule is waived at this time.  

All attendees are warmly welcome! 

Stay Safe. Stay Home.

Kelly Welles, LUTCF
Serving Asset Protection and Longevity Planning for 25 Years.
Co-chair and GC, NY Health & Longevity. 

Kelly Welles, President          
Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Accountants 
Specializing in Insurance and Benefits
Cell   917-626-8590

Business & Personal Financial Strategies

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