[Fredslist] RCS Concert April 6, 2019 - 8:00 pm

Iriswolinsky iriswolinsky at aol.com
Wed Mar 20 17:35:55 EDT 2019

              R  I  V  E  R  S  I  D  E     C  H  O  R  A  L     S  O  C  I  E  T  Y

                              S P R I N G    2  0  1  9    C O N C E R T

                             S a t u r d a y   A p r i l  6   ~   8 : 0 0 pm

                                       A l i c e  T u l l y  H a l l
                                        L i n c o l n  C e n t e r

                                                                                                                P r o g r a m

                                                      E I N   D E U T C H E S   R E Q U I E M  - Johannes Brahms                                               


      PS - My father, who also was a chorister & music lover,
             used to say Brahms was his favorite composer.
             Now I understand why ~                                                            




            $25, $45, $75 & $100



            Contact me or buy online at riversidechoral.org


           * To Buy Online -

                 Follow instructions under Buy Tickets

                Enter my name as 'choir member who referred you'

                 Email me that you bought online & number of tickets 


           * To Buy Through Me -

                 Email me # of tickets and price point

                 Mail me check PAYABLE TO RIVERSIDE CHORAL SOCIETY (my address below)

                 I will get your tickets & mail to you or place on Will Call, at your option 



            Any questions let me know.   






      Beautiful music as always ~ Join us, and thanks !



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