[Fredslist] Great news to start the New Year

Aimee White aimee.white at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 23 10:46:12 EST 2019

>>>> I am a member of the Board of a nonprofit organization, One Earth Conservation, and am delighted to announce that it is featured in an article in the January 12 issue of THE ECONOMIST! The article, “Protecting Honduras’s national bird,” can be found at this link:
>>>> https://www.economist.com/the-americas/2019/01/12/protecting-hondurass-national-bird
>>>> Please note a few corrections to the information in the article:
>>>> The article makes it seem like One Earth Conservation swooped in and saved the day. Although it certainly contributed to the good results, this project has very much been a team effort led as much by local villagers and a local NGO, as well as One Earth Conservation.
>>>> Last year 103 nests were REGISTERED by the project, but some of them were still poached (although a majority remained undisturbed).
>>>> The project is financed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, AS WELL AS other funders, including the Vincent J. Coates Foundation, St. Vincent’s Group, and many individual donors.
>>>> If you’d like to learn more about One Earth Conservation and its projects, the organization’s website is at:
>>>> https://www.oneearthconservation.org/
>>>> Or you can contact Gotham member, Gail Koelln, who is Co-Director of the organization.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Aimee
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