[Fredslist] The Trinity

Sherry Rivera sherryrivera1 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 22:06:55 EST 2018

Such a wonderful share. I am inspired and a bit envious of such wonderful relationships. Great relationships are the most important part of life to me. 

Sherry Rivera

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 30, 2018, at 5:28 PM, Neil Hollander <neilhollander at gmail.com> wrote:
> So….. I’ll be 75 years old this July . How the hell did this happen ? Answer ? It didn’t . Along the way there are many stories to tell. Colossal milestones and events that literally blew my socks off . Family and friends accompanied me on the voyage . Priceless entities in a journey for the ages . 
>     And so it goes . The Autumn of my years . And much to my delight a phenomenon sweeps in and grabs me when least expected . Fred coined it The Trinity . It started a few years ago . Through Gotham . Fred arranged that I could be a part of the amazing concept . It was a rocky beginning as I stepped across many boundaries and did anything but choose my battles . The Politics Page became my bully pulpit. And how presumptuous was I to think I could rant and rave and tangle with  the likes of Corey Bearak and Jane Jacobs and most of Fred’s Army. I had few allies . Fred was in constant repair mode . Paul Napolitano and Erik Scheibe had my back . But Fred really hung in there big time .
>     So Paul and I  being thoroughly frustrated by the politics page began texting each other . Fred and I were already “ talking “ several times a day and soon all three of us were texting all day long . Politics, sports , music, food , wine ,woman and song . Relationships, kids , nothing is off the table . It’s a MEN’S GROUP that Fred coined “ The Trinity. “ I have a 65 year history with Joanne and close to that with Fred . The relationship exceeds most that I cherish And this Mench of a Man Paul . Having Mr Napolitano and his beautiful wife Victoria in my life and completing The Trinity has been an astounding surprise in my life . Considering that I thought I made my last friend long ago . The Trinity trumps most all for me. The brainstorming keeps me relevant. The timing couldn’t be better . Thanks Gotham . A short window into a slice of what you do.
>                                                        Hollander Sends
> Sent from my iPad
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