[Fredslist] Seeking international Asset Recovery in recently nationalized country.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Fri May 19 14:02:38 EDT 2017

Dear Tribe,
Know anyone who can help?
A client wishes to sell his $$370k vacation property in Trinidad but due to newly restrictive nationalizedbanking laws, can't transfer more than $2000 a day. Following is my client's description of the dilemma and somebackground. Because of the highly sensitive nature of the situation, please send your referrals andrecommendations to me which I will forward to the owner. 
I have a potential liquidity problem.
I am trying to sell some property in Trinidad and Tobago and need the money in the US. However, the banks there are tight with US $ and Trini Dollars are not accepted as an international currency. The most the banks there are releasing is $2000 at any time, if I want to bring in 370K from Trinidad, that makes no sense. I am looking for ways to make this happen. A financial officer suggested to me, to find a broker who deals with people here that want to invest in Trinidad where the money does not leave the country but the ownership changes: I take ownership of the money for the purchase in Trinidad for instance, while they receive my Trini Dollars in Trinidad. That sounds like a possible solution but I dont know how to find such a broker, or if there are other ways. for instance, McCann Erickson has a branch in Trinidad and I am sure other American companies do. How do they get money out of Trinidad to the US? I am clueless and  I am wondering if you know someone who could help me.
Thanks, M
P.S.: I bank with Citibank, Chase, TDbank and Capitol One, but I already checked with Citibank which has branches in Trinidad. They are bound by the limits the country sets for making US$ available. That was no help. My CPA does not have international capabilitythe transaction was handled by Citibank, there is not problem bringing US$ to Trinidad, the problem is getting them out.Not sure, if a Mortgage broker or real estate developer can help, but what do I know?
Kelly Welles, LUTCFServing Asset Protection for Thirty YearsCo-chair, Gotham NY Health and Longevity2006 Gotham Networker of the Year Kelly Welles, President          wellesfinancialservices.comTrusted Advisor to Attorneys andAccountants Specializing in Insurance and BenefitsCell   917-626-8590www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-welles________________________WELLES FINANCIAL SERVICESBusiness & Personal Financial Strategies
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