[Fredslist] Golf Outing; Request for Door Prizes

Flo Feinberg flodiamond at gmail.com
Thu May 11 11:49:20 EDT 2017

Hello to all!

As you probably are aware by now, Gotham's fabulous Golf Outing is rapidly
approaching. We are looking for door prizes from you or those in your
universe who can donate goods, services, tickets to sporting events or
theater, or any items which would be appropriate. This will help highlight
your business and help Gotham, as well....a real win/win!

Please email either me or Laurel Scarr-Konel to let us know what you can
donate. All Door Prizes must be at Fred Klein's office by Monday,
June 19.

Thanks in advance,

Flo Feinberg
flodiamond at aol.com

Laurel Scarr-Konel
lscarrkonellaw at optonline.net

Co-Chairs, Door Prize Committee
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