[Fredslist] Strength in Numbers? Not always in Networking

Andrew Lavin andrewlavin at alavin.com
Thu Feb 9 11:14:10 EST 2017

Last night, I had the good fortune to attend a sparse Executive Group Meeting.  

While the newish group is still experiencing growing pains, the lack of attendance was instead an opportunity. Rather than casting a wide net of “howyadoings” with 20 people in a room, I had the opportunity to “dig deep” with Group Leader Mitch Tublin and fellow group member Rick Raymond, founder of The Growth Team.

Two takeaways:

-		Rick and I have been in a dozen meetings together, yet neither of us could easily remember each other's respective businesses, despite our elevator speeches in every meeting.  That tells 		me you need to keep showing up, reacquainting yourselves and through only through that does the magic of Gotham occur.

-		Through various discussions about our businesses, interests, issues, we discovered commonalities, that led to anecdotes resulting resulted in potential synergies.  And yes, we’re having 			lunch.  

So next time you think about bailing on an under-attended meeting, DON’T.

Andy Lavin
Executive Group Member
President, A. Lavin Communications (Marketing Communications, Media Relations)

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