[Fredslist] Gotham Business Breakfast this morning - Total Success!!!!

Jayne Latz jayne at corporatespeechsolutions.com
Wed Feb 1 10:43:39 EST 2017

Awesome meeting. Thank you Danny and Dan for the great meeting filled with
so many fresh fish.
Danny made it clear that the #1 reason to join this group is to grow your
business. There was great energy throughout the meeting. Definitely mark
your calendar for the next meeting. Don't miss it if you have any interest
in growing your business in 2017!

Jayne Latz

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On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Danny Mizrahi <dm at contangoit.com> wrote:

> Dan Hochler and I are very happy to share with you how well this morning's
> first Gotham Business Breakfast meeting went.  *We had* *30 people at our
> first meeting!  28 of them are new Gothamites!*
> Check out the attached pics.  Next meeting is March 1 if you want to ride
> the circuit and visit.  Please check with Dan, daniel_hochler at fhfg.com, to
> make sure there's no conflict.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> [image: Inline image 2]
>  Danny Mizrahi
>  228 East 45th Street
>  Suite 11 South
>  New York, NY  10017
>  office: (212) 737-0608
>  direct: (646) 801-0608
>  fax: (877) 737-2282
>  @contangoit <https://twitter.com/ContangoIT>
>  www.contangoit.com
> See us on Dropbox's Homepage! <http://www.dropboxpartners.com>
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