[Fredslist] If you feel burned out and bummed out by all the bad news about the environment...

Gail Koelln gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com
Thu Mar 17 13:42:09 EDT 2016

…you may find this coming Saturday’s free webinar to be helpful. See below for details.

Gail Koelln
GK Grant Writing
82-52 211 Street
Hollis Hills, NY 11427
phone (718) 776-7284
fax (718) 776-9806
gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Co-Directors of One Earth Conservation, LoraKim Joyner and Gail Koelln" <invite at eventbrite.com>
> Subject: You're invited to Introduction to Nurturing Nature: Yours, Ours, Theirs,... (Mar 19, 2016)
> Date: March 16, 2016 at 9:27:21 AM EDT
> To: gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com
> Reply-To: amoloros at gmail.com
> You are invited to the following event:
> Event to be held at the following time and date:
> Saturday, March 19, 2016 from 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM (EDT)
> Attend Event                                  
> Share: 
> In this free 75 minute live webinar you will be inspired and motivated to take care of yourself so that you can live well, and so that other beings and our biotic community may also flourish.  Rev. Dr. LoraKim Joyner, wildlife veterinarian and Unitarian Universalist minister, as well as co-director of One Earth Conservation, will be leading this interactive webinar where you will have the chance to slow down, reflect, share, and ask questions.  LoraKim will offer readings, meditations, scientific information, and sample practices so that you are better able to nurture yourself and all of nature.  You will learn of the five intelligences:  Emotional, Social, Multispecies, Ecological, and Spiritual and how they can enrich life on this earth.  We conclude with an overview of the full Nurture Nature Program and next steps for you, which we hope will include your participation in the course.   The next steps include a two part webinar series on Emotional Intelligence, scheduled for the following two Saturdays, March 26th and April 2nd at 12 p.m. EDT.
> Once you register for this free webinar we will send you information on how to link to the online webinar experience. You will need a computer with internet access, or a mobile phone with internet access.  You can also join by direct phone, but you will not be able to see the visuals, which we can send to you as a separate file.
> Please share this event on Facebook and Twitter
> We hope you can make it!
> Cheers,
> LoraKim Joyner and Gail Koelln, Co-Directors of One Earth Conservation,
> This invitation was sent to gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com by Co-Directors of One Earth Conservation, LoraKim Joyner and Gail Koelln the organizer. To stop receiving invitations from this organizer, you can unsubscribe.
> Eventbrite, Inc. | 155 5th St, 7th Floor | San Francisco, CA 94103

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