[Fredslist] Commerce Group Lunch! Don't miss it...

Shelley Simpson simpson.shelley at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 12:10:43 EST 2015

Sign up now for the next Commerce Group Lunch on Wednesday February 18th @the Friar’s Club.  I can promise there will be food, great people and interesting conversation; and you will be in out of the cold crazy winter weather.  I can’t make the same promise if you go somewhere else.  Yeah, think that one over and then go online and sign up.  

Shelley Simpson
The JuicePlus+ Company
JuicePlus Energy #onesimplestep
www.shelleysimpson.juiceplus.com <http://www.shelleysimpson.juiceplus.com/>

Time is a non-renewable resource; spend it wisely !

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