[Fredslist] Gotham's Traditional "New Member" Orientation - 12.2.14 at 4:30 p.m.

Debra B. Lindner debbie at gothamnetworking.com
Mon Nov 10 09:42:55 EST 2014

Good morning Gotham,


It's that time again - time for our "New Member" Orientation and review of
our website prior to the Holiday Party - come join us!


The Orientation will be on Tuesday, December 2 at 4:30 p.m. before the party
at the Friars Club. No cost to attend Orientation (but the party is for paid
and confirmed RSVPs)


If you are a New Member, an Experienced Member or Someone Interested in
Joining - this Orientation is for you!


No cost to attend Orientation, but we need you to RSVP so we can plan for
handouts and seats. 


Click on the link below to RSVP for Orientation:








Debra B. Lindner

Executive Director, Gotham City Networking

debbie at gothamnetworking.com 


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